New Bass Chart


“Impressions” By Brian Ellis

Bb G Eb
Ab F D Bb
Gb Eb C A F
F Db Bb G E C
Eb C Ab F D B
Db Bb G Eb C A

E C# A
D B G# E
C A F# D# B
B G E C# A# F#
A F# D B G# F
G E C# A F# D#
D B G# E C#
A F# D# B
E C# A#


This new bass table is the driving force of the Creative Formula for the Bass Guitar. I created this system several years ago for my students to gasp the beauty of different styles of music.
The response has been overwhelming with great developments in ear training skills. The student should play these scales across, up and down , diagonally , backwards , from the bottom up and even from the center out to transform each line into a colorful array of melodic tones for soloing.

Many students haven’t seen these scale patterns explained in such a profound manner. It helps them get excited about Music theory. I became fortunate enough to lock into my own bass technique and approach to share with the world.



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From The Desk: Brian V. Ellis Editor and Producer

Abiding in God’s Grace

In the beginning, after God had created Adam and Eve, He loved to fellowship with them while they walked together in the garden of Eden. Adam and Eve did not know about sin and evil
because they were innocent and pure. God gave Adam and Eve only one commandment to obey
They were not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. From the beginning, God
has given mankind the power of choice, and he has never revoked it.

Lucifer, a powerful fallen angel, deceived eve by tempting her to eat of the fruit from
the forbidden tree. He told her she could disobey God without any consequences. And the
eating the fruit would give her godlike knowledge. Then Eve chose to eat and offered the fruit to her husband, and he made the same terrible mistake.

What a fatal choice. Their innocence was gone. They were guilty. Shamefully recognizing their nakedness, they tried to cover themselves with apron of fig leaves. They became afraid of God and hid When they heard his voice. That was only the beginning of Trouble.. Adam and Eve were banned from the Garden of Eden and they became subject to sin and death. Even the earth was cursed because of what they had done.

They now found they were inclined to do evil.. Their knowledge of Good and evil did not keep them from doing wrong. Spiritual death passed down to their children and eventually to all their
posterity. The influence of evil is all around us. We find every evil thing imaginable in our world today. People are proud and lustful, seeding pleasure and power. They make may wrong choices and suffer the consequences. One person’s choice often makes those around him miserable. How terrible are the results of sin.

ISAIAH 14:12-17

12. How art thou fallen from heaven, O, Lucifer, son of the
morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst
weaken the nations.
13. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon
the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like
the most High.
15. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
16. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider
thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that
did shake kingdoms;
17. That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities
thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?

Many homes are unhappy because of wrong choices. Children often suffer when families are separated through divorce. People indulge in addictions and evil habits, Innocent children grow up under this influence, accepting it as normal, corrupting their young minds.

Gospel Tract and Bible Society.


"Spider Walk Program"

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"F minor mode lesson"

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walking tall

A minor scale chart

These solo tables shows the melodic and harmonic qualites in my new system for the electric Bass Guitar. This theory of music and its approach is superimposed in a single motion or bass riff. These creations can build melodic and harmonic figures to be used in a spontaneous situations.This mix of chords, inversions, major and minor scales are design to enhance your solo patterns. The Creative Formula for the Bass Guitar is used for the development of improvisation for the Bass Guitar.

By Brian Ellis

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